Shot Show is understandably male dominated and utilitarian. While guns and self defense are a serious matter, they can also be engaging and entertaining by way of sport. A lot of the apprehension regarding the right to bear arms is because people are uneducated as to how weapons can be kept and used safely. Unfortunately, unless you were raised in a gun culture community, trade shows like Shot Show don't necessarily create an engaging environment to introduce newbies to the gun world. They are meant for industry insiders. That being said, if you have any interest in learning about guns and the industry in general, Shot Show is the place to be. While intimidating at first, the people here are some of the nicest and most educated people we've met in the industry.
Julianna Crowder of A Girl and A Gun. One of the nicest women of Shot Show! So encouraging and helpful to newcomers in the industry.
The awesome Rachel Dabbs of "Hunt Wicked Close TV." Rachel is wearing the Rose Accordion Purse.
Sarah Smith Barnum of "Family Insights NRA Magazine." This knowledgeable gun gal is amazing! Sarah is holding the Annie Tote in winter white!
Shwell11 from "The Shooter's Mindset" rocking out the Annie!